"Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

"Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

Express Yourself Camps

Express Yourself Camps
During the year the LYN House will be offering camps designed for youth to gain new skills in a specialty area while simultaneously learning more about him or herself, gaining confidence and finding a new way to express oneself. Please email lynhouseinc@gmail.com for more information regarding these camps and volunteer opportunities.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is Ugly? Part Two

This month we started our second View Finder Project class. New students, new eyes, same lessons and neighborhood. Some of the students took pictures of the same subjects as the past students. Many students found other subjects they found ugly that were uniquely different from each other. In a neighborhood where ugly is sometimes too easy to find, these students were able to take the ugly and make it interesting to the eye.

Mayson: What is Ugly?

I like this picture because I do not know what it is. Also it goes from dark to light. I also think that it is pretty because how the light hits the thing.

Courtney: What is Ugly?

I like this photo because the flower is ugly to me (not to some) and the grass is all choppy and messed up and the bricks are a good background. The whole picture is a dirty picture which I like.

Alisha: What is Ugly?

I like it because of the background I got. It's still focusing on the van and the grafitti, but the background is cool. I get little parts of the van and then the grafitti.

Victoria: What is Ugly?

It was a spider web that had rain bubbles on it and the angle that I took the picture made it look unique and interesting. I like it, and the shadows and shades made it "pop" more.

Ryan: What is Ugly?

I liked this one because I got the rule of thirds in this piece.

Shapes and Patterns

On a rainy Monday we sent the students to the Woodruff Place Neighborhood to shoot shapes and patterns. A neighborhood near our own, but uniquely different. Looking for just shapes and/or patterns was challenging for some and others enjoyed the challenge it brought. With each session they are showing remarkable improvement.

The purpose of the shapes lesson is to "identify and photograph a variety of shapes that exist in our surroundings to better understand what shapes us as individuals." The purpose of the patterns lesson is to "train the eye to see specific aspects of the world in which we live, slowing down enough to notice these details."

Jeremiah: Shapes and Patterns

The reason I chose this picture for one it is perfect for this topic. Not only that it is very appealing to the eye, it does not matter what you are doing, your eyes are naturally going to look at it. The color contrast is very good.