"Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

"Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

Express Yourself Camps

Express Yourself Camps
During the year the LYN House will be offering camps designed for youth to gain new skills in a specialty area while simultaneously learning more about him or herself, gaining confidence and finding a new way to express oneself. Please email lynhouseinc@gmail.com for more information regarding these camps and volunteer opportunities.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Fotography- Day 2

Photo by Frankie
Today in the View Finder Project we finished talking about the "ugly" pictures they took and went on to talk about what is beautiful. A discussion was held  about how they view their world is all about their perception and they can choose whether they want to look at things in a negative or a positive way. The kids then proceeded to go out and take pictures of things in their neighborhood that they perceived to be beautiful. Many of the girls took pictures of things such as flowers and fall leaves, where they boys took pictures of things they thought were "COOL"  like spiders and fun graffiti.

Photo by Andreis
After reviewing their pictures and discussing their favorites, the fact that the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" was reemphasized. The kids did an activity where they drew a picture or wrote words to express what they liked about their neighborhood. Proceeding they wrote on sticky notes what they did not like and stuck them on the wall. It was discussed that the things they did not like were on sticky notes because they could be changed and were not permanent. The kids then threw out some ideas as to how they could fix some of the things they did not like in their neighborhood, like picking up trash.

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