"Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

"Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

Express Yourself Camps

Express Yourself Camps
During the year the LYN House will be offering camps designed for youth to gain new skills in a specialty area while simultaneously learning more about him or herself, gaining confidence and finding a new way to express oneself. Please email lynhouseinc@gmail.com for more information regarding these camps and volunteer opportunities.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ashley: What is Beautiful?

I love the image capturing and shadow of this picture. It makes me think of some sort of board game. It says to me, "Hey! There is beauty in even the simpiliest of things. Just take time to look, notice, and capture it."


  1. This is such a cool picture, Ashley. Great job! You really have an eye for this!

  2. i love that ash. it very pretty i agree you can find great things when you look at it different

  3. great photo! clean, abstract and interesting..
